Yashica's Intuition

why should we think positive

What thinking positive really means

yashica crumpton

In today's broadcast I'm going to be going over what thinking positive really means.

In the era of pseudo personal development, for some reason thinking positively and optimistically has gotten a bad wrap and if you are someone that spirals, you can unintentionally be creating an energy that makes it safe for you to not think better thoughts.

There is a way to honor your pain and emotions while still being optimistic and positive so today's broadcast is all about what positive thinking really means and comes straight from some notes from one of my private calls.

Work with me to start the new year off right: bit.ly/lindgroupcoaching

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Keywords: what thinking positive really means, why should we think positive, why think positive, why to be positive, positive thinking, positivity, positive, motivation, the power of positive thinking, negative thinking, negative thoughts, motivational video, law of attraction, loa

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